Sunday, April 5, 2009

My first E.R. visit

Last night, my bottom dresser drawer was pulled out. Adam came running into the bedroom, tripped over himself and landed on the corner of the drawer. I never knew how much blood gushes from a head wound!!
It actually was a pretty small, but deep cut. Instead of stitches they just glued it together. Adam was very mellow and quiet the whole time.

I am actually quite surprised that this is the first time I've ever had to take one of my uncoordinated children to the emergency room!
My sweet Katelyn just loves to dress herself and she's SSSOOOOO good at it!! hehehe


Candice said...

WOW! I'm envious! You have been lucky not having to visit the ER before! Aren't head wounds the worst? Hugs to you and Adam!

ManicMandee said...

Glad everything is ok. Obviously from that brave, grinning boy you've got there.

And it was nice to see pictures of Lily and hear about your birth story. Your labors and deliveries sound nice and fast. She looks beautiful and I'm glad she made it here without any complications.

Brenda said...

Ooh, glad everything is okay! Lily is so cute, too! Congrats!