Lily had a fun first birthday.
She got lots of super cute clothes,
a play tent with balls,
and her own little fuzzy chair.
This girl just loves to sit and chill!
I'm always finding her just sitting-on the fireplace,
any random stair in the house, the bathroom stool,
sometimes I even find her sitting during her nap!
She can say: mama, dada, baba (bottle), hi and layla (our dog)
She has been walking for while and is all over the place
now that she's learned to go DOWN the stairs-we have 3 sets in our house!
She is such a funny little stinker and we sure love her!
We're just waiting patiently for some hair!
Gabe also had a great birthday this year!
He got clothes, matchbox cars, bakugans,
a gijoe, a fishing vest and new fishing pole for his birthday.
He loves to fish and be outside.
He loves riding his bike and scooter.
He loves school and says math is his favorite.
He also loves science and has competed
in the school science fair the last two years.

He is very excited for an upcoming science night!
He loves karate!
He is now in the leadership program-which means
he'll become a black belt by the time he's 12.

He is a very sweet boy with a great smile.
He loves to tease and make people laugh.
He loves to play with Lily. I think he may be her favorite!
He also loves science and has competed
in the school science fair the last two years.
He is very excited for an upcoming science night!
He loves karate!
He is now in the leadership program-which means
he'll become a black belt by the time he's 12.
He is a very sweet boy with a great smile.
He loves to tease and make people laugh.
He loves to play with Lily. I think he may be her favorite!