So I finally borrowed a USB cord for our camera...and here are some pics to commemorate Jeff's 30th birthday-which was May 16th!

I made him that awesome pirate hat cake and he went on a treasure hunt with the kids to find his presents-a new set of golf clubs, golf balls, tees and a shirt. I know it was only last month but I can't exactly remember what he got or what we did for fun to celebrate his birthday. But I do know that he had a good day and is ready to leave his twenties behind!!
Happy Birthday last month Jeff!!!
Gabe also wanted me to post some pictures of his new lizard--Fatty.
WOW! the big 3-0! I'm not going to say anything patronizing cause I'll be there in a few months! Tell him him that he makes thirty look DAMN good ha ha! I love the pirate cake too!! You are one talented girl aarrrggg!
That is a killer pirate cake!
Great blog. You and your family are beautiful Amber! So glad to catch a glimpse of you all.
If you click on my name, it might send you to my brothers blog. It's strange how it got messed up like that. My blog is
All my siblings and my parents have blogs Jeff, if you want to check theirs out. I've got links there.
I love the cake Amber!
Sounds like you made his 30th birthday so fun.
Amber!! I haven't seen you in so many years! I found your blog through Jamie's blog! How are you?? It looks like you are doing wonderful! I am going to add you to my link list if that is ok! I am so glad I found you!!
Kendall (Rudd)
Hey! Happy bday to Jeff!
So thanks for the hairdo website- I LOVE it and have already tried some out, so fun!!
Hello Amber! I am not sure you remember me I think we had gym class together once. Your family is adorable. I loved the cake and that is such a cute name for a lizard. I'll be spying from time to time. Feel free to do the same.
Mindy (Mower)
Okay, so after you left a comment on my blog, I tried to click on your name and it wouldn't lead me anywhere! I was sad. :(
I got your blog info from Jamie. It's great to see you! What a darling little family. I'm so glad we'll be able to keep in touch now!
(You should join facebook, you know. It's fun because you can upload a bunch of different photo albums... that's an easy way to catch up with people's lives as well. Yay!)
Happy Birthday! The clock kindof stops at 30. Great cake!
So, I am loving the new news!!! When did you find out you were expecting? When are you due?? I know it is 200 something days, but what is the date?? love ya tons, Jame
fantastic cake!! Jeff are you realy ready to leave your 20s behind? That can't be right! Ohh well, you've got good years a comin'! Happy late!
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